Discover Portuguese Home Textiles at their very best

New York Home Fashions Market Week

Park Terrace Hotel – 17 – 19 March 2025

Narciso Pereira Mendes – Fateba
Mr. Pedro Gama

Krome  – LasaHome
Mr. José Lemos

Têxteis Penedo SA
Mrs . Sandra Duarte

Domingos de Sousa
Mrs. Fátima Sousa

Mrs. Belinda

Mr. Miguel Chareca

Mrs. Anabela David

Mr. Gil Macedo

J.M. Rodrigues
Mr. Ruben Torres

J. Pereira Fernandes II SA
Mrs. Patrícia Fernandes

NOW OPEN - Registrations for Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2025

NOW OPEN - Registrations for Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2025

Your registration application will be reviewed by Home from Portugal.
If approved you will receive more information on completing the registration, in a date closer to the event.
Please note that the exhibition is only open to foreign buyers.


Quiero expresarte mi más sincero agradecimiento por la invitación. La experiencia de visitar Portugal y Guimaraes fue realmente enriquecedora. Durante nuestro tiempo allí, establecimos contactos muy importantes, con los cuales espero poder colaborar en un futuro cercano. Espero que podamos mantenernos en contacto para fortalecer aún más nuestra relación.

Margaret BissuMargaret Bissu Interior Design

Thank you so much for the amazing organisation of a great event.

Jacqueline NelsonBlanche Rose

Following the GHFW 2024, on behalf of MINT&LIME company and myself, I would like to warmly thank you as well as the Associação Home from Portugal, for inviting us to attend the fair and the subsequent days of meetings with providers.
It is a great fair that allows us to have very productive workdays, strengthening the already close relationship with Portugal.

Mara Nicolle BrachoMINT&LIME

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful hospitality at the GHFW exhibition, in Guimarães, last May.
We would also like to inform you that we have already started conversations with the suppliers we met at the fair to prepare orders for the next commercial seasons.

Aggeliki VenetakiSymmetry Living

I must say, Guimaraes was an amazing event and I loved the way each 'stand' was a hotel room so you could see all the products in a real-life surrounding!

Lee RosboroughHyve Group

I had the most amazing trip! [...] the fair was wonderful - had such meaningful meetings where we were able to work on a lot of product….AND the setting was fantastic!
Thank you so much for your assistance in setting this up for me- I really appreciate it!

Suzanne VermaasBed & Bath - @Home - TFG Group

De regresso a Atenas, gostaria de agradecer a toda a equipa da Associação Home from Portugal a excelente organização, o caloroso acolhimento/hospitalidade e a qualidade das empresas expositoras (e dos seus produtos) na GHFW 2024.

Os convidados gregos (compradores, arquitetos e jornalistas) com os quais falei ficaram entusiasmados com a excelência da oferta portuguesa e adoraram o venue e o conceito único desta exposição. Já alguns irão trabalhar de imediato com fornecedores portugueses.

Laurent ArmaosAICEP - Grécia

Apenas um pequeno email para agradecer toda a vossa ajuda, não só na vinda do cliente Vietri, bem como no acesso à Guimarães Home Fashion.
Apesar do cliente Vietri, se centrar mais em mesa e cozinha, podemos ver uma boa diversidade de fabricantes com apresentações dentro dessas áreas que foram bastante do agrado do nosso cliente.
Aproveitamos ainda a oportunidade, para fazer visitas extras a dois fabricantes presentes na feira, o que ajudou a dar um valor acrescentado a este projeto.

Carmo PinheiroNectarte Portugal

I would like to warmly thank you again as well as the Associação Home from Portugal, on behalf of my company Mint&Lime and myself, for the invitation to attend your fair and the days following with meetings with professionals from the fair.
It was a great opportunity to discover new collections from known suppliers and getting to know new ones, reenforcing our existing business relationship with Portugal.
Congratulations for the fair, it is a very productive and unique moment for us.

Mara NicolleCreative Director - MINT & LIME

Notre visite était comme chaque fois très riche et nous avons de nouveau trouver de nouveaux fabricants sur le Salon.
Nous vous remercions vivement pour cette invitation.

Sophie GaignardPRINTEMPS - Chef de produit

Sono passati alcuni giorni dal nostro rientro e vorrei ringraziarla per l’occasione che il Portogallo ci ha dato di visitare la rassegna tessile di Guimaraes.

Siamo rimasti colpiti dal grado di ospitalità, alloggi bellissimi e un’organizzazione che ci ha seguito in tutto..

Speriamo ora di concretizzare i contatti avvenuti in fiera,anche a seguito della massima disponibilità delle aziende.

Gallizioli ClaudioGallizioli Home

Queríamos fazer um agradecimento especial ao convite para estarmos presentes na Guimarães Home Fashion Week.

Foi de facto uma excelente surpresa. Seja pelo vosso cuidado e carinho em nos manterem bem orientados, seja também pela coleção de produtos que nos apresentaram.

Toda a organização deste certame está de parabéns. O ambiente especial e simpático que a Pousada ajuda a proporcionar, bem como toda a oferta apresentada, tornou o nosso trabalho bem mais relaxado, mas sem por isso deixar de ser produtivo.

Contem connosco para a próxima edição.

Carmo PinheiroNECTARTE

thank you very much for your invitation for the Guimaraes Home Fashion Week. It asa n unforgettable experience and absolutely interesting and inspiring.
I have collected many contacts and in the following weeks I will connect some of them to local showrooms who are more than interested in finding new partners in Portugal. I have also posted on my personal instagram (which is now followed by more people than ELLE Decoration official) and I got some mails from followers who are interested, too.

Judit OsvártELLE Decoration Hungary

Hi GHFW Team,
Thanks a lot for this beautiful event last week.
Once again we could source new products, meet with existing & new suppliers, as well as visit factories & showrooms to learn about latest innovations.
It's such a unique location & the lovely Portuguese food & Wine make everything even better.

Chloe AvrilINBED Store - Australia

Quiero agradecer mucho la invitación a la feria GHFW. Ha sido una muy buena oportunidad para descubrir nuevos productos y trabajar con proveedores. Es un gran placer trabajar con Portugal.

Mara NicolleDirectora Creativa - MINT&LIME

É realmente uma iniciativa louvável dada a qualidade dos expositores, permitindo à delegação do AICEP Marrocos ficar com um retrato geral da fileira e um portfólio robusto sobre a oferta nacional, ao mesmo tempo que facilitará certamente o nosso trabalho no mercado.

Joana NevesDelegada - AICEP Marrocos

As empresas austríacas com quais eu reuni, estavam muito satisfeitas. O objetivo agora é promover ainda mais a Home Fahion Week e trazer mais empresas austríacas para Portugal.

Carla GalhardoConselheira Comercial - Embaixada da Áustria

We wanted to thank you for inviting us to Guimaraes Home Fashion Week We thoroughly enjoyed it and made some excellent connections. We are thrilled as we are moving forward working with two companies to produce blankets for us. Guimaraes is a beautiful place – the Pousada was a stunning venue and we loved the Santa Lucia ArtHotel!

Susan Schaefer + Dolores Keating- MallenBig Wide Outside - Canada

Je voulais vous remercier pour l’invitation au salon.

Cela a été comme chaque année très intéressant et j’ai rencontré de nouveaux fournisseurs en plus des fournisseurs avec qui je travaille régulièrement.
Sachez que ce salon puis les visites usines sont très bien pour moi.

Sophie GaignardChed de Produit - Printemps
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About Guimarães Home Fashion Week

We are pleased to be sharing with you this unique opportunity for both exhibitors and buyers to meet each other and better understand how the household textile industry works in Portugal.

Taking place in our Nation’s birth city, a group of 53 Portuguese companies, representing 60 brands, supported by the AssociaНЛo Home from Portugal, will contact with customers from more than 30 different markets worldwide.

Exhibiting at the beautiful Pousada de Santa Maria da Costa, are some of the best Portuguese producers and exporters. Exporting to over 130 countries worldwide, you will be able to see the medium-high, high quality products that these companies produce.

Home textiles is an industry with great impact and importance worldwide.
We hope you enjoy this exhibition and that this opens up pathways to promising new business ventures.

Pousada Santa Marinha - Guimarães

This stunning Hotel Guimaraes was awarded the coveted Europa Nostra prize for its renovation and restoration. It has retained the character and majesty of its former use as a 12th century Augustinian monastery whilst providing luxury accommodation with all modern conveniences. This Pousada is generally considered one of the best in the Pousadas of Portugal Group.

In prime position overlooking the town of Guimaraes the Hotel Santa Marinha combines luxury with Portuguese history and culture. Guests can explore the lake, formal garden, cloisters, grotto and granite fountains. The Pousada Guimaraes also features the famous Portuguese azulejos (tiles) in abundance, some dating back to 1747.

The town of Guimaraes, known as the ‘the cradle of the Nation’, was Portugal’s first capital city and the birthplace of the first King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques. It is steeped in history dating as far back as the 10th century, making it one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Northern Portugal. The medieval town centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was the 2012 European Capital of Culture. Approximately 9 kms from Guimaraes is the Celtic settlement, Citania de Briteiros, which was occupied from 400 BC and consists of over 150 dwellings.

Past Editions - 2022-2016

Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2023

Catalogue / Photos / Video

Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2022

Catalogue / Photos / Video

Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2021

Catalogue / Photos / Video

Guimarães Home Fashion Week 2019

Catalogue / Photos / Video

Spring Home Fashion Market NY, 18 - 21 March 2024

At The JW Marriott Essex House  some of the best Portuguese producers and exporters will be exhibiting their medium and high-quality products, which are exported to more than 130 countries around the world.

All buyers are invited to visit the companies either by appointment or simply showing up at The JW Marriott Essex House .

The showing rooms at The JW Marriott Essex House  will be open with their location signaled with a placard at the entrance so visitors can easily identify the company. Also, for your convenience, a floor plan displaying the location of each participating company will be placed at the lobby of the hotel.

Adalberto Textile Solutions, SA

AMR – Indústrias Têxteis Lda

Fateba – Narciso Pereira Mendes Herdeiros, Lda

Lumatex – Industria Têxtil, Lda

Emme Home – Padrão Xadrez Unipessoal, Lda

Pereira da Cunha, S.A.

Texteis Penedo, S.A.

João & Feliciano Lda

Newplaids – Home Textiles SA

September 7, 2023 in Circulares

COMPETE 2020 – PCI 45142

Exmo(a). Sr(a).  A todas as empresas que fizeram o seu pré-registo na Heimtextil 2023, e que tencionam participar no Projeto Conjunto de Internacionalização sob a coordenação da Home from Portugal,…
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August 8, 2023 in Notícias – Guimarães Home Fashion Week – targi tekstyliów w hotelowych pokojach

Visita do jornalista da revista Hotelarz, Sr.Rafal Szubstarski, à Guimarães Home Fashion Week Link para notícia
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July 11, 2023 in Notícias

Jornal T – Guimarães Home Fashion Week já tem nova data

A próxima edição da Guimarães Home Fashion Week já tem data marcada para o próximo ano. Será entre os dias 14 e 17 de maio de 2024, que o evento…
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June 30, 2023 in Notícias

Teletextil – Hungria – Os Têxteis Portugueses foram ao Mosteiro

Publicado na revista „Teletextil” sobre a cidade de Guimarães e a Guimarães Home Fashion Week, escrito pelo jornalista György Szarvas.  
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